The Screaming Eagles of WWII Foundation was established in 2000 by the family of Pete M. Pulles, Dutch author of the serie booklets "Screaming Eagles of WWII".
In these booklets, information was collected of all members of the American 101st Airborne Division who served in World War II. The booklets are well-known within the "Airborne world".
The lists therein are still used as a reliable reference document by many a historian to find information like Army Serial Number, dates KIA or MIA and details such as locations or battle situations.
In 2014, a new version of this reference book was published. After P.M. Pulles passed away in 1997, his children meant to safe guard his inheritance which is copyrighted, by adding and correcting, and keeping the booklets available for the general public.
The 2014 version, for example, has between 10-15% new names due to new sources such as the internet.
Tribute to Pete M. Pulles Read more about the driving force behind the book "Screaming Eagles of WWII" :
Piet Pulles.

Primary goals of the Screaming Eagles of WWII Foundation:

Honoring those who fought, were wounded, died or went missing on Allied side during World War II by collecting and publishing information and materials.

Facts about the Foundation
The Foundation is a non-profit organisation registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (# 17135177).
As of 1 December 2013 the Board of Governors consists of:
*** P.J.G. Pulles (chairperson) - Honorary Member of the 101st ABN Division
*** L. Wenstedt (secretary/treasurer) - Honorary Member of the 506 and 327 Infantry Regiments
*** J.M. Bossi (Director of Operations USA) - Distinguished Member of the 327 Infantry Regiment
*** P.E.L. Pulles-Van Merwijk
*** N. Van Loo-Polley
*** F. Van Loo
- Honorary Members: S/Sgt Don Malarkey (101/506 E Co WWII) and G. Fonteyn.
- The book Screaming Eagles of WWII © is made publicly available through the Foundation.
- In 2006 the OPERATION TORCH tour was launched by the Foundation.
Collecting information is an on-going process. The Foundation provides free information when possible. Costs for research are paid by revenue from sales. Activities are funded by sponsors (both commercial and non-commercial) who hold the goals of the Foundation high.
We appreciate your donation too. On methods of payment, please send a message to : secretary Foundation